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Statistics|Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Fund



  • Compensation

    Overview of Compensation Operations in 2019:

    Overview of Compensation Claims Processing

    (Unit: Cases,NT$)
    Claim Applications Submitted Under Article 40 of the Act No. of Claims Compensation Amount(NT$)
    Outstanding at the beginning 99 7,104,150
    New 3,161  
    Settled 3,187 430,456,418
    Outstanding at the end 73 7,627,515
    Joint Liability for Insurance Benefits subject to Article 36 of the Act No. of Claims Insurance Benefits
    Settled 719 55,985,951

    Analysis of Claim Applications

    (Unit: Cases)
    Claim Applications Total
    Accident type(cases) Uninsured Car 521 2,648
    Motorcycle 2,127
    Untraceable Car 396 450
    Motorcycle 54
    No consent of insured Car 1 6
    Motorcycle 5
    Insurance not required Car 56 57
    Motorcycle 1
    Total 3,161
    Accident result(cases) Injury Car 883 2,943
    Motorcycle 2,060
    Disability Car 40 98
    Motorcycle 58
    Loss of life Car 51 120
    Motorcycle 69
    Total 3,161

    Number of Settled Claim Cases

    (Unit: Cases,NT$)
    Settled Claim Cases Total
    Accident type(cases) Uninsured Car 527 2,665
    Motorcycle 2,138
    Untraceable Car 404 460
    Motorcycle 56
    No consent of insured Car 1 6
    Motorcycle 5
    Insurance not required Car 55 56
    Motorcycle 1
    Total 3,187
    Accident result(cases) Injury Car 896 2,967
    Motorcycle 2,071
    Disability Car 40 100
    Motorcycle 60
    Loss of life Car 51 120
    Motorcycle 69
    Total 3,187
    Settled compensation amount(NT$) Injury benefits Car 25,081,366 86,568,011
    Motorcycle 61,486,645
    Disability benefits Car 48,336,471 130,755,691
    Motorcycle 82,419,220
    Loss of life benefits Car 79,953,612 213,132,716
    Motorcycle 133,179,104
    Total 430,456,418

    Number of Outstanding Compensation Cases

    (Unit: Cases,NT$)
    Outstanding Compensation Cases Total
    Accident type(cases) Uninsured Car 8 58
    Motorcycle 50
    Untraceable Car 9 11
    Motorcycle 2
    No consent of insured Car 0 0
    Motorcycle 0
    Insurance not required Car 4 4
    Motorcycle 0
    Total 73
    Accident result(cases) Injury Car 19 69
    Motorcycle 50
    Disability Car 1 1
    Motorcycle 0
    Loss of life Car 1 3
    Motorcycle 2
    Total 73
    Settled compensation amount(NT$) Injury benefits Car 449,122 1,631,022
    Motorcycle 1,181,900
    Disability benefits Car 765,738 765,738
    Motorcycle 0
    Loss of life benefits Car 1,743,585 5,230,755
    Motorcycle 3,487,170
    Total 7,627,515

    Cases of Joint Liability for Insurance Benefits subject to Article 36 of the Act

    (Unit: Cases, NT$)
    Joint Liability for Insurance Benefits subject to Article 36 of the Act Total
    Injury result(cases) Injury 653
    Disability 22
    Loss of life 44
    Total 719
    The Fund Joint Liability Amount(NT$) Injury benefits 9,033,838
    Disability benefits 9,782,690
    Loss of life benefits 37,169,423
    Total 55,985,951
  • Claims

    Overview of Compensation Operations in Handling of Claims in 2019:

    In 2019, the Fund has achieved the following results in it’s claims handling operations

    (Unit: Cases,NT$)
    Accumulated No, of Outstanding Claims as of Dec. 31,2018 No. of New Cases Total No. of Case to be Processed No. of Settled Cases Accumulated No. of Outstanding Claims Claims Amount (NT$)
    1,597 2,135 3,732 2,028 1,704 80,404,216
  • Fund Utilization

    Fund Utilization as of Dec. 31. 2019

    Financial bonds Government bonds Discretionary investments Corporate bonds Deposits Exchange Traded Funds
    9.222% 4.063% 5.008% 4.628% 77.020% 0.059%

    Total Deposits and Investments at the end of 2019: NT$3,792,512,288

    (Unit: NT$ Million)
    Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
  • Server

    On January 1, 2005, the Fund introduced a toll free service line to provide better and faster assistance to injured parties, their families, and the general public on related issues. In 2019, the Fund handled 10930 inquiries. A total of questions were received and they could be categorized by the following topics:

    1. Compensation-related: 4435 /
    2. The Insurance-related: 3456 /
    3. The Fund Claims and administrative operations: 241 /
    4. The Taiwan Insurance Institute Enquiries operations: 2019 /
    5. Other inquiries: 779 /